Dear Constituent,

Congratulations! You have been selected to receive tickets to the 57th Inauguration and swearing-in of President Barack Obama. You will receive the number of tickets you requested when contacting my office. You may pick up your ticket in my Capitol Hill Office between 10am and 4pm on Thursday, January 17 and Friday, January 18. My office is located at 2445 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington DC, 20515 – a short walk from the Capitol South Metro Station on the Blue and Orange Lines.

For a complete list of ticket entrances, security guidelines, and restricted items, please visit This information will also be provided with your tickets.

My office will be holding a reception following the inauguration. I hope you will attend. The reception will be from 2pm to 4pm in Rayburn 2253 and refreshments will be served.

If you have any questions or no longer wish to attend the inauguration, please call my office at (202) 225.8699. Dress warmly, and I look forward to celebrating the 57th Inauguration with you!


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Washington, D.C. Office
2445 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
202-225-8699 main
202-225-8714 fax
Prince George's County Office
5001 Silver Hill Road
Suite 106
Suitland, Maryland 20746
301-516-7601 main
301-516-7608 fax